Are All Samoyeds White? – The Surprising Samoyed Colors

When we think Samoyeds, we reflexively picture big adorable fuzzy friends with shiny white fur. After all, it is deemed their primally defining characteristic, aside from their lovely Sammy smile, of course.

But are all Samoyeds white, or are there other surprising colors?

Many people, especially those who are considering picking a Samoyed as a pet, want to know all about them, which is only natural. The curiosity includes wanting to know which color variations their fur can have.

Today, we’re addressing all of the Samoyed colors! So, keep reading to find out!

Are All Samoyeds White?

Not all Samoyeds are white! Rather, they come in a variety of colors.

Yes! You’ve read that right. The common misconception that Samoyeds are only white has probably stemmed from their association with cold-tempered areas and their snow-like fur.

However, you can find Sammies three types of Sammies based on their color. All three types are recognized by the AKC (American Kennel Club).

Samoyed Colors

These are the three types of Samoyeds according to their fur color:

#1 – Pure White Samoyeds

Pure white Samoyed.

Pure white is the most common and well-known Samoyed shade. The color of the fur is the same across the dog’s entire body.

However, Samoyeds are now coming in varieties of white mixed with other colors such as cream and biscuit hues.

#2 – Biscuit-Colored Samoyeds

Biscuit colored Samoyed - biscuit Samoyed.
Source: Instagram, @cam.the.samstagram

This coat color is more common in Samoyeds than we might think. For that reason, the American Kennel Club deems biscuit as one of the three existent colors of Samoyeds.

The shade itself is a beautiful golden-brown hue mainly concentrated on the top part of the Samoyed’s body. The rest extends as a custardy white across the tail and legs.

To avoid any confusion if you are reading up on this beautiful bread, Samoyeds of this color are also referred to as biscuit and white.

#3 – Cream-Colored Samoyeds

Cream colored Samoyed - cream Samoyed.

It makes sense why some people could mix up this particular Samoyed shade with white. Many people find it hard to differentiate between pure white and cream, even though the latter is a slightly deeper shade of the former.

Cream-colored Samoyeds are quite common and might need an astute eye to tell them apart from the whites.

Why Are Samoyeds (Primarily) White?

Now you know that Samoyeds are not only white but can definitely come in a few other colors as well.

However, when it comes to the majority of Samoyeds, you probably can’t help but wonder:

Why do they have white fur?

Samoyeds are white because their coats adapted to the snowy climates they lived in. They originated in northwestern Siberia and were bred by the Samoyedic people, which is where their name comes from.

However, the main reason we are seeing so many white Sammies nowadays is purely the breeding standard. Even though the AKC approves of all three color types, many dog show judges look down on Samoyeds which are not pure white!

For this reason, most breeders put in the extra effort to maintain a pure white coat color for all of their show dogs.

We were happy to hear that, naturally, not all judges are like that! A Reddit user u/dianthe brought to our attention that The Best of Opposite winner at the 2015 national specialty show was this beautiful lady:

The Best of Opposite 2015 Samoyed winner.

Cream-colored and biscuit-colored Samoyeds are getting more recognition as time goes on, and we couldn’t be happier about that!

Is There a Black Samoyed?

An interesting fact related to Samoyed fur color is that during their initial breeding, they also used to come in colors like black! While it was very rare even then, there are a few known cases of black Samoyeds.

We even found an old picture of an entirely black Sammy on, which was surprising to see!

Unfortunately, coming across black Samoyeds nowadays is impossible. There are quite a few breeds that look like a black Samoyed, such as these:

  • Belgian Sheepdog,
  • Eurasier,
  • Swedish Lapphund,
  • Black Eskimo Dog.

However, keep in mind that these are entirely different breeds, and the chances of finding a purebred black Samoyed are almost non-existent.

Caring for a Samoyed’s Coat

Several factors can affect your dog’s color and fur quality as it grows up, and these include:

  • genetics of the mother and father;
  • living conditions;
  • health issues; diet;
  • exercise routine
  • and grooming regime.

Therefore, once you have got yourself a Samoyed puppy or an adult dog, it’s vital to know how to keep your dog’s coat clean, healthy, and shiny!

Here are the best seven tips for doing so:

Tip #1 – Check Their Genetics

Our first tip will only be applicable when you are buying a Samoyed from a reputable breeder (which you should do!). If you are adopting an adult dog and have no way of finding out about their family tree, you will have to skip this step.

Before getting a Samoyed, you should first ensure that the mother and father of your puppy are perfectly healthy. You should pay attention to everything from dental health, eyesight, and so forth to ensure that your puppies will not inherit any health condition from them.

You shouldn’t just rely on assurances. Please check with the current owners or breeders for medical records, especially if you are getting an older Samoyed dog. Older dogs can already be prone to certain conditions by the time you want to adopt them!

Tip #2 – Establish a Proper Diet & Exercise Routine

Samoyeds need regular exercise. You should take your Sammy for at least one long walk per day outdoors combined with dog toys and games at home to keep them healthy and fit.

They must be fed nutritious foods that will keep their fur white such as lean cuts of meat (with bones), fish or lean cuts of chicken, and some fruits and vegetables too!

Related: Can Dogs Eat Watermelon – Watch out For These Few Things

Always choose the best quality brands on the market since these are more likely to provide all the nutrients that your dog needs (including Omega fatty acids).

Samoyed grooming routine.

Tip #3 – Stick to Your Grooming Routine

Samoyeds shed a LOT, so you need to keep a daily grooming routine to prevent matting from occurring.

Brushing several times a week can help get rid of loose hair before it could form mats or tangle up with other stray strands that have fallen out over the days spent outside!

Dogs who are kept indoors should be brushed at least twice per week. However, we recommend daily 20-minute brushing sessions.

It is best to start brushing your Samoyed puppy when they are still young since this will gain their trust and make the process easier for both of you if done regularly!

Tip #4 – Clean Up After Walks & Playtime

Their thick coats tend to trap grass, tiny branches, stinky substances, and even insects that will stay on them for long periods of time unless removed through regular care!

Here is a quick checklist of all the things you should do every time the outdoor playtime is over:

  • Wash their feet and gently dry them off with a soft towel.
  • Check their fur for ticks, insects, and any other debris which they may have caught.
  • Briefly brush them for 2-3 minutes to make sure you got everything out of their coat, and so they look as beautiful as ever!

Tip #5 – Choose the Right Grooming Products

If your Sammy is white, you may use shampoos and conditioners specifically designed for white dogs. However, you should test these on a small area before applying them all over your dog’s coat!

This will help determine if your dog has any allergies or reactions to the ingredients in the product. For example, many grooming products could lead to skin irritations, itching, rashes, or other allergic reactions that could cause discomfort for both you and your pet.

You may ask your vet about specific brands of shampoos that they can recommend, so you know that you are making a good choice.

Your Turn

Now, we would like to hear from you!

Were you surprised to hear that not all Samoyeds are white?

Let us know your thoughts in the comments down below!