We love our dogs for various reasons, and they are our best friends through thick and thin. However, there are times when we realize we don’t know some of the simplest things about our pets.
Such common confusion that arises among dog lovers is:
Do dogs have belly buttons?
Today, we are answering that question once and for all. Keep reading!
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So – Do Dogs Have Belly Buttons?
Short answer: Yes, they do!
However, we suppose you want to know a bit more about this unusual topic. Otherwise, you wouldn’t be reading this article in the first place.
Let’s go into a bit more detail.

Long answer: All the mammals, specifically placental mammals, have belly buttons, except for a few. Dogs are no exception.
But how does a belly button form?
Placental mammals give birth to live babies, which separates them from other groups of mammals. The babies grow and develop in the wombs of their mothers.
Whenever an embryo forms inside the dog, like in humans and all other placental mammals, the mother’s placenta plays a vital role in its growth and development.
How does it do that?
There is a tube-like organ called the umbilical cord. It helps pass nutrients (think food and oxygen) to the growing baby. It also participates in the removal of waste of the fetus. This cord ends at the stomach of the young one, where the belly button (also known as the umbilicus) later forms.
After the dog delivers the puppy, the placenta becomes a useless organ. However, the umbilical cord remains attached to the puppy. Often the momma dog chews some of it or breaks the cord completely. Meanwhile, the remaining part of it (attached to the pup) dries after a few days and shrinks. The mark left there is nothing but what we call a belly button.
For that reason, it is clear that the belly button is nothing but a scar!
Let’s get back to our main question. To summarize – dogs are placental mammals, and hence they have belly buttons.
However, the belly buttons of dogs are not as obvious as those of humans due to several reasons. First of all, how do they even look like?
What Does A Dog’s Belly Button Look Like?

Most dog owners do not give so much attention to their dogs’ belly buttons, which is why they may even think they do not have one.
However, as we explained in detail above, although the belly button might be less obvious than with some other mammals, it is there.
If you try to look for it, you will observe that the belly button is not like ours. It is rather flat in appearance. Also, the size of the belly button of a dog is small, irrespective of the size of your dog.
Sometimes there is hair growing out from the belly button. Other times, you can easily identify the umbilicus from the bare skin in that region with fur surrounding it.
Surprisingly, if you spot a somewhat darker patch of skin than your dogs’ normal skin tone, it can be the belly button as well.
Where is a Dog’s Belly Button?
It is easier to spot their belly button right after their birth and when they are still fairly young (around a few months old). However, it gets hard to see and identify the belly button when a dog starts developing fur.
If this article has sparked your interest and you want to check out your best friend’s belly button (let’s pretend that doesn’t sound weird), here is what you should do:
- The right place to look for is somewhere around the base of their rib cage. You may find the belly button right above their abdomen (or genitals) and right below their rib cage.
- To find out, you can rub your hand on their belly to feel their navel. Remember that the hair on the navel would be slightly thicker and darker than on the rest of the body. Furthermore, it will feel somewhat rougher to you than the skin on the rest of the body.
- Also, do not expect the belly button to be inward or outward like ours. It can be just a tiny, flat scar as well.
(!) Important Note: If your dog’s belly button is sticking out or bulging, it is a sign of abnormality. The condition is known as umbilical hernia. You should contact your veterinarian as soon as you notice that it has started developing.
Your Turn
Now, let’s hear it from you!
Why were you wondering whether dogs have belly buttons in the first place? Did you manage to find your dog’s navel?
Share your story in the comments below. We would love to hear it!