Can Dogs Eat Pineapple – Is it Risky For Your Dog?

Can dogs eat pineapple?

Pineapples are a great fruit that has many health benefits for humans. However, we may want to share this delicious fruit with our fluffy friends.

Here, naturally, a question arises:

Can dogs eat pineapple too?

If you want to find out the answer, you are in the right place! We will be explaining the health benefits of pineapples, their good and bad parts, and the dangers of misusing them in your dog’s diet.

Let’s get into it!

Can Dogs Eat Pineapple? 

The short answer is:

Dogs can eat pineapple! However, you have to control the serving size because too much of this delicious fruit can cause stomach upset in some cases.

Generally, as long as the ingredient list of a particular fruit doesn’t contain any harmful ingredients, it’s okay for your pet to have small amounts of that fruit from time to time. Therefore, give your dog small pieces of pineapple to prevent stomach irritation. 

Keep in mind that the safe parts of the pineapple are exclusively internal. 

Related: Can Dogs Eat Watermelon – Watch out For These Few Things

Can Dogs Eat Canned Pineapple? 

Canned pineapple is safe for your dog if it doesn’t contain added sugar. Of course, this can vary, but it’s always the best option to offer your dog fresh fruit. 

If the canned pineapple is all you have at home, make sure it doesn’t contain added sugar.

Can dogs eat pineapple?

How To Properly Serve Pineapple For Your Dog? 

Dogs can eat it too, but you should control the serving size because too much pineapple may make them sick. 

The best way to give your pet pieces of pineapple is to start small and see how they react before giving them more. And if they are okay after eating pineapples, then you can let them have some as a treat. 

Serve this juicy fruit as a frozen treat, especially during the hot summer season! Your dog will definitely like it when they’re most likely to be dehydrated and in need of some cool, tasty fruit.

How Can You Keep Your Dog From Eating Bad Pineapple Parts? 

The simplest way to prevent your pet from eating pineapples that are not meant for him is by removing all traces of the juicy fruit after cutting it. 

Also, do not leave a whole pineapple sitting out on the table or countertop. Instead, please put it in the fridge as soon as possible to avoid temptation for your dog.

How Much Pineapple Is Too Much For Your Dog? 

It is hard to say how much pineapple your dog can eat. The best way is to observe what happens when you give small pieces of pineapple in moderation. 

If there are no symptoms, then it’s okay for your pet.

On the other hand, if your dog has abnormal symptoms like stomach discomfort or diarrhea after eating pineapples, avoid serving more until their digestive tract has recovered completely. 

This will not take long because dogs have a very short digestive period as compared with humans.

If the symptoms do not go away, consult your vet immediately! 

What Are The Symptoms Of Overeating Pineapple?

There are no symptoms of eating pineapple in moderation.

But, if your dog eats too many pineapples or even canned ones, then there could be some digestive issues like stomach discomfort, vomiting, and diarrhea. 

Suppose there is an overdose of this fruit. In that case, you have to be mindful of excessive bromelain content, which can cause some stomach issues even though they’re usually mild and short-lived.

But, still, these symptoms need immediate medical attention!

Can dogs eat canned pineapple?

Can Pineapple Stop My Dog From Eating Poop?

Pineapple can stop your dog from eating poop. This is because pineapple contains bromelain. Bromelain makes poop taste foul, making it less appealing to those dogs that think of it as a treat.

If you want to read more on this topic – here is a great resource by American Kennel Club.


Can Dogs Eat Pineapple? 

Yes, dogs can eat pineapple in moderation, and it is safe for them. 

So be sure to include this sweet fruit into their diet whenever possible. Remember to control the serving size and watch out if they experience any negative symptoms.

Thank you for reading and see you in the next post!